Webinar: Truths vs Myths in COVID-19: Is Hydroxychloroquine Working and Are There Risks with Nebulizer Medications?
Friday, April 24, 2020 at 12:00 PM ET
Register for the webinar here.
The two biggest questions in senior care pharmacy practice surround hydroxychloroquine and breathing treatments. Both stem from an innate fear of the virus and a fear of not being able to breathe. Both result in sometimes irrational decisions. Join us and here from leading experts on both issues as we explore ways to help you manage through these operational and clinical challenges.
Karl Steinberg, MD, CMD, HMDC
CEO, Stone Mountain Medical Associates, Inc.
Oceanside, California
Dana Saffel, PharmD, BCGP, CPh, FASCP
President and CEO of PharmaCare Strategies
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
ASCP Wellness Breaks are Back Starting TOMORROW
You deserve a wellness break! Join your fellow senior care pharmacist online for a video chat Wednesdays at 6:00pm ET, hosted by ASCP. Let’s check in on each other and talk about how we’re dealing with change, social distancing, and isolation. Cameras on. This is FREE and open to everyone. First video chat starts April 22.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 964 6850 0801