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Naomi Harper from St. Louis College of Pharmacy has been awarded the 2020 Future Leaders in Healthcare award!

Naomi Harper
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
2020 PharmD Candidate

Naomi Harper is a student at St. Louis College of Pharmacy in her final year of the College’s professional program. The emerging pharmacist’s passion for science began at a young age and developed into a passion for health and wellness during her undergraduate years at the University of Illinois Champaign – Urbana. There she achieved a Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition. After completing her bachelor’s degree, she matriculated to St. Louis College of Pharmacy in the fall of 2016.

Naomi’s journey to St. Louis College of Pharmacy has resulted in the completion of two advanced degrees and reinforced her passion for advocacy and leadership. Throughout her educational career, she has worked to find an avenue to blend her love for science and education with leadership and community service.

Her decision to pursue a professional career in pharmacy stems from her desire to make impactful relationships with patients. As the most accessible health care providers, pharmacists see patients most often, get to know their families and are often sought out by patients first for clinical advice. Many pharmacists are also placed directly within their communities and have exceptional relationships with other stakeholders in the neighborhood.

Naomi’s time at St. Louis College of Pharmacy has been highlighted by a host of extracurricular experiences, which have help to influence and build her love for community service and patient care. One of her mottos is “build a community”, which she interprets as casting a wide net wherever your planted. At the College, she was a leader on campus, serving on the Student Government Association executive board during her P1 – P3 years. On the board she held the positions of Class Liason, Executive President Elect and President Elect. During her tenure, she worked closely with the president of the College and his executive board members on strategic planning committees. She was also active on the Haberle Award Planning and Selection Committee which facilitates students electing the professors they believe are the most influential to the campus and students; the Bright Spot committee which highlights any member of the campus as a positive influence to the campus community; the School of Pharmacy Curriculum & Curricular Assessment Committee that works closely with the faculty to improve courses and class structure; and several other committees related to culture and campus life.

After graduation, Naomi plans to pursue a career as a clinical pharmacist. As she works to expand her postgraduate experiences, she hopes to further advance her clinical skills and apply for a PGY1 Pharmacy residency in the 2020 applicant year.


The Future Leaders in Healthcare award is presented to healthcare students in the US and Canada that have displayed initiative, curiosity, and a strong work ethic.

Students receiving the Future Leaders in Healthcare award were selected from more than 15,000 healthcare students for their completion rate (volume + level of difficulty) of digital activities within the school’s eLearning center hosted on CORE’s READINESS co-curricular LMS.

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Professional Development: Degree Programs, Masters, Post-Secondary