Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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PK+ MyVideoJoin

The PK+ MyVideoJoin module offers patients a secure connection to a licensed healthcare provider (doctor, nurse, pharmacist or third-party contractor) who can offer health advice during online appointments booked in advance. The module includes an audit trail feature for billing purposes, providing the date, time and a transcript of each meeting. Services are available in English and other languages, and are adapted for end users with visual and hearing impairments.

Advantages for end users include:​

-Security and privacy: This service is fully secure, using point-to-point (P2P) technology, much like a phone call. It is also HIPAA/PHIPA-compliant, meaning the service respects the highest privacy standards in both the US and Canada.

-Convenience and comfort: Patients can access care from the comfort of their own home, with no need to travel for appointments. This is especially handy for patients who deal with physical and mobility limitations, who have time restrictions or who are facing cost concerns.

-Optimized support: The service engages family, caregivers and the patient’s living environment to improve their health outcomes.

-Easier workflow: PK+ MyVideoJoin integrates with healthcare applications. This means end users have an easier, smoother user experience with automatic data transfer and no need to transition between different systems.​


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