Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Services is a Yuyama Priority

Services is a Yuyama Priority


Yuyama is praised for having some of the best Technical support and on-site service in the market. We know how integral automation can be to daily pharmacy operation and we take great pride in keeping everything running as smoothly as possible. Our engineers are cross-trained to be able to answer questions about or service any of Yuyama USA’s machines, Because of our low-maintenance user-friendly machines, 80% of any machine issues can be solved over the phone.

In 2007, a nationwide survey was taken regarding the performance of Yuyama machines, support, and cassette ordering, THe results were A’s across the board, and the support results showed one of Yuyama’s biggest strengths against its competitors. Yuyama USA’s support Team was praised as being among the fastest friendliest and most thorough.

Prompt – We promise a fast response time and have the expertise, resources, infrastructure. and strategically located service offices to deliver that promise.
Friendly – Our engineers understand how necessary excellence and control are in the pharmacy. They go above and beyond to prevent any disruption of pharmacy operations and to make the jobs of pharmacy staff easier.
Thorough – Yuyama service engineers solve any issues comprehensively and are proactive about performing periodic preventive maintenance.


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