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Your Patient's Not Average - Their Dose Shouldn't Be Either

Your Patient's Not Average - Their Dose Shouldn't Be Either

What is DoseMeRx?

DoseMeRx is unique decision support software that leverages clinically validated pharmacokinetic drug models, patient characteristics, drug concentrations and genotype to guide dose optimization. It’s the world’s first precision dosing tool designed for clinical practice that uses Bayesian dosing methods. Its simplicity and portability means Bayesian dosing benefits can be brought to every bedside.


A virtual model of your patient, created in seconds

See how your patient will respond to your dosing decision

DoseMeRx works by digitally constructing a virtual model of your patient’s individual pharmacokinetics. From as little as one laboratory result, DoseMeRx analyses and compares thousands of data points from clinically validated pharmacokinetic drug models.

The virtual patient model is built within seconds and then DoseMeRx calculates an accurate individualized dose to reach your therapeutic target. Using this model, you can also simulate potential outcomes of different dosing regimens to ensure you provide the best possible advice for every patient.


Bringing you the benefits of Bayesian dosing

DoseMeRx uses Bayesian dosing to calculate a precise dose to achieve your clinical target. Studies have shown that this results in significant and substantial improvements to mortality, risk, and patient outcomes. To find out more, take a look at what other hospitals have achieved with Bayesian dosing.



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