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Dedicated to Innovative Contamination Solutions

Dedicated to Innovative Contamination Solutions


Teknipure is dedicated to the development, manufacturing, and distribution of innovative cleanroom and other controlled environments consumable contamination solutions. Our products are designed to prevent, control, and remove contamination effectively and efficiently. Since 2008, we have responded to market needs by developing and supplying easy-to-use, well-identified, and continuously available products that are manufactured according to the most stringent standards.

Our customers around the globe include medical facilities; pharmaceutical companies; microelectronics, optical, and flat panel manufacturers; aerospace and defense contractors; auto makers, and more. Many of them must abide by strict practices such as ISO 14644 and others, for which our procedures (IEST 4.3), documentation, and consistency provide traceability and control.

In addition to Teknipure’s products being innovative and of the highest quality, we take environmental responsibility very seriously. Our manufacturing process reduces the use of water and power, and emphasizes lowering landfill footprint. The products themselves also improve our customers’ production yields by reducing contamination, which in return reduces waste, scrap, and cost.

We are well-known for being customer-centric. You will find our staff to be friendly and responsive. We keep a large inventory on hand and at distributors’ warehouses, and we are listening to our customers’ needs and providing solutions to them. We often develop new products and solutions to solve new challenges in ways that help our customers improve results, reduce waste, and minimize contamination.


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