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Summer is Coming – Now is the Time to Start Planning for Biannual PQ Testing

Summer is Coming – Now is the Time to Start Planning for Biannual PQ Testing


I hope this finds you and all your loved ones well. I have missed connecting with everyone at the season’s various conferences. It’s always such a great time to catch up on what challenges you're facing and share best practices and solutions with one another.

One of this year's challenges, for instance, is that URAC recently revised their standards for specialty and mail-order pharmacies. This includes new requirements around PQ testing - something Temptime has a lot of experience in.

That’s why we’ve created a new VUEPoint: Summer is Coming – Now is the Time to Start Planning for Biannual PQ Testing to help you:

-Get a better understanding of the new standards

-Weigh the pros and cons of internal versus third-party PQ testing

-Decide which approach is right for you 

You’ll also find links to other valuable information to consider as you get started on your planning.

I’d love to hear what you think about this VUEPoint. And, of course, if you have any questions or I can be of help in any way – please give me a call or drop me an email.


Best regards for continued health,

Katie Kraverath

Senior Business Development Manager

+1 310-426-0424

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Summer PQ Testing

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