Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Visit the Parata "Barcoding Printers & Printing " Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show


TCGRx offers pharmacy optimization across space, labor, and inventory. As demands on pharmacy have become increasingly more difficult to manage, solutions have been offered to address the individual areas of need. TCGRx is the only company that looks at all facets of the pharmacy to bring a total solution that addresses today’s needs while leaving options open for the future.

ATP® 2

The new ATP® 2 is industry’s most comprehensive and accurate oral solid packager. TCG’s innovative and groundbreaking software addresses market needs that have never before been addressed. ATP 2 is now expandable from 64 to 480 canisters, and with AutoSense™ SmartChip technology, your canister bandwidth is unlimited. With ATP 2’s new Dual Tray system, you can continuously run without interruptions. The integrated dual tray precipitates constant pre-staging of tray medications, so there is no pausing mid-batch for a tray refill. The new ATP 2 also provides 4 pouch sizes for maximum flexibility. Graphic printing allows you to include more meds per pouch using the new Label manager. Reproduce labels with a touch of a button with any Windows fonts, adding logos, graphics, extended barcode options including QR code and Aztec symbologies, to inhibit patient safety.

Beacon® Inventory Management System – from large integrated networks, retail chains or a single-site location, Beacon gives you dashboards and reports that empower your business to reduce inventory holding costs at any level and in any size organization.Beacon offers a one-of-a-kind inventory management system that integrates with your pharmacy information system. Using barcode-driven technology, it tracks all of your formulary from the bottle, down to the pill level.

Inventory Management

-Reduction in inventory and increase in turns

-Fewer expired medications

-Ease of NDC changes

-Improved accuracy and faster fill times


-Control medication handling

-Space savings

-Less pill dust

-Easy to clean

Workflow Engineering

-Adaptable design with less expenditure as your pharmacy needs change

-Create space for MTM, consulting, vaccination areas

-Workflow improvements from stock to delivery

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Printers, Barcode Printing