Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Visit the Parata "LTC Pharmacy Resources" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show


ATP® 2

The new ATP® 2 is industry’s most comprehensive and accurate oral solid packager. TCG’s innovative and groundbreaking software addresses market needs that have never before been addressed. ATP 2 is now expandable from 64 to 480 canisters, and with AutoSense™ SmartChip technology, your canister bandwidth is unlimited. With ATP 2’s new Dual Tray system, you can continuously run without interruptions. The integrated dual tray precipitates constant pre-staging of tray medications, so there is no pausing mid-batch for a tray refill. The new ATP 2 also provides 4 pouch sizes for maximum flexibility. Graphic printing allows you to include more meds per pouch using the new Label manager. Reproduce labels with a touch of a button with any Windows fonts, adding logos, graphics, extended barcode options including QR code and Aztec symbologies, to inhibit patient safety.

RTP™ Series

Remote Tablet Packaging allows pharmacies and facilities to work together. The pharmacy is able to load the machines as needed, and remotely monitor any prescription changes as required at the touch of a button. Facilities are able to dispense the medications on-site and know their residents’ meds are up-to-date, reducing costs and waste.

-Compliant on-demand packaging for immediate medication access in the nursing facility

-Cycle fill, LOA, STAT, 1st doses, discharges

-Compact footprint easily fits into small spaces with all access points on the front

-Reduce cost due to medication waste

-Improve your bottom line by decreasing urgent deliveries and reliance on backup pharmacies

-System notifies pharmacy via e-mail alerts when the remote site encounters errors

-AutoSense™ canister technology electronically verifies proper canister placement

-Login options include fingerprint biometrics, swipe card, or username/password


Conveniently package either unit dose or multi-med AdherePac™ pouches into a single CompletePac™. Organize both oral and non-oral solid medications into a single bag, organized by administration time or to help bridge the patient to the next cycle fill.

-ASSISTED LIVING – Give residents more independence by organizing all meds, both oral and non-oral solids, in a single bag by administration time with clear instructions right on the bag.

-DISCHARGE – Handle patient discharge from hospitals and surgery centers by including all necessary medications to last the patient until they see their primary care provider

-DAILY ORDERS & LEAVE OF ABSENCE – Ensures patient compliance throughout their LOA with optimal convenience for the patient and the family

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Long-Term Care Pharmacy Resources