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Visit the Parata "Pharmacy Automation & Robotics" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show


Parata Max® 2

The next generation vial-filling robot was built to give you more time

Speed And Accuracy-Parata counting technology and air-jet cells ensure an accurate count with new benchmarks for speed. Automate up to 80% of your oral solids with Max’s ability to support up to 200 unique NDCs safely using cell barcode scanning — so Max always dispenses the right drug.


Automated Cell Calibration-Max 2 is smart. Scanners and software work with mechanics to deftly and precisely calibrate cells for new NDCs. Save time and cost because we’ve given you the tools to quickly and easily switch drugs in your cells.

Continuous Operation-Two-sided design separates inventory and dispensing. Max 2 continues to run while you replenish vials, caps, drugs. Max 2’s low-touch operation is largely attributed to its ability to cap and stack filled vials.

Integrated Camera-Every Max 2 comes with a camera, and every vial is imaged prior to capping so you can check the contents from the touchscreen monitor. Pinch-to-zoom functionality lets you enlarge the image to see the amount of detail you need.

Minimal Touch Time-Save time with Max’s low-touch operation, largely attributed to its ability to cap, its capacity and overflow bin, and the exception carousel. You can even let Max fill, cap, label, and store up to 232 prescriptions before requiring attendance. Let Max take care of filling vials overnight so they’re ready in the morning.

Visual Cues When Max Needs Your Attention-Retain your workflow’s efficiency — Max 2.0 will quietly let you know if it needs you. Powered by active sensors, the color-coded LED lights on each bin tell you when it's time for replenishment.

Internet of Things Connection-Parata PulseSM keeps an eye on the health of your Max 2 for reliable reporting and business efficiency. Request help from Parata right from Max 2’s touchscreen without ever picking up the phone.

Customized for Your Pharmacy-Parata assesses your drug list to determine the optimal cell configuration for your pharmacy, such as how many super cells you need and suitable locking cells. Max can be configured for lower-volume pharmacies or tight spaces.  

Parata integrates with more than 100 host systems and major vial providers for a smooth implementation.

Standard Configuration

112 standard cell and 44 super cells

Storage Capacity

232 completed vials stored before requiring attendance

Optional Complements

Prevent diversion and maximize safety with patented locking drug cells.

Parata Service and Support

Max 2 doesn’t take sick days, but in the event you need a little help, Parata’s here. Our Field Service Engineers, Parata Technical Assistance Center Engineers and Specialists are all Parata employees. Industry and factory-certified, they are your product experts available every day of the year. We know how important it is to quickly resolve any issues you may have, so Parata’s team is here to help you so you can get out in front and stay focused on your customers.

Don't Just Take Our Word for It

“We are very pleased with Max 2. It runs smoothly - the software updates and new cells calibrate easily. We're looking forward to improved performance and efficiency." – Pete Crouch, Eden Drug Health Mart

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Pharmacy Fulfillment Robots