Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Visit the Parata "Pharmacy Design & Fixtures" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show


Pharmacy Design/Layout Services

At TCGRx, we make your pharmacy needs our business, by conducting an individualized assessment of your workflow and recommending a comprehensive automation and inventory management plan, based your unique needs. The TCGRx solution can evolve as the needs of your business grow, enabling you to achieve new initiatives while enhancing your financial position. By providing automation, inventory management, high-density storage and will-call, TCGRx products integrate together so you can start with a few products and add on without worry of needing to add on more software or change your workflow again in the future.


A precision-engineered, high-density storage product line that will help your pharmacy become more organized, reduce your inventory footprint, and speed up your script-filling process. HDStock has been specifically designed to store medications, paying special attention to ergonomics and functionality. The result is a completely logical storage system that’s extraordinarily convenient to use. No other system offers you drawers that can store more items within the same space.

-Reduced footprint and reduction in inventory

-Less walking - Faster script filling

-Clean, modern and organized appearance

-Promotes first-in, first-out inventory reduces expired medications and open bottles

-LED lights on workstations increases visibility and is more ergonomic

-Fixtures are mobile for future re-configuration as pharmacy needs change

-Increased work surfaces while reducing storage footprint

-Unique divider system reduces the risk of errors

Beacon® Inventory Management System – from large integrated networks, retail chains or a single-site location, Beacon gives you dashboards and reports that empower your business to reduce inventory holding costs at any level and in any size organization.Beacon offers a one-of-a-kind inventory management system that integrates with your pharmacy information system. Using barcode-driven technology, it tracks all of your formulary from the bottle, down to the pill level.

Inventory Management

-Reduction in inventory and increase in turns

-Fewer expired medications

-Ease of NDC changes

-Improved accuracy and faster fill times


-Control medication handling

-Space savings

-Less pill dust

-Easy to clean

Workflow Engineering

-Adaptable design with less expenditure as your pharmacy needs change

-Create space for MTM, consulting, vaccination areas

-Workflow improvements from stock to delivery

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Design, Fixtures, Engineering