Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Drug Package - Who We Are!

Drug Package - Who We Are!

For over 100 years, Drug Package is North America’s most experienced manufacturer of:

-Prescription Labels – both Laser and Thermal

-Quality Paper Bags – in a variety of sizes

-Medication Pill Cards

-Prescription Blanks and a variety of other business forms used in today’s growing pharmacies.

Drug Package LLC customer service is second to none. Our highly trained national sales force and home-based customer service team work together to ensure your complete satisfaction. 

We’ve been the top choice of community pharmacists for as long as we’ve been around.  Our 100+ employees work hard each day to support the growth & development of your business!  We help our customers become more successful, faster!  If you’re not successful, we’re not successful and we take that very seriously here at Drug Package.


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