Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Why We Thrive - CriticalPoint

Why We Thrive


CriticalPoint success is largely due to its close relationship to the industry and practitioners that it supports. Constantly incorporating feedback from customers, the CriticalPoint team keeps their fingers on the pulse of developments in sterile compounding and related fields. The company’s quality culture drives it in pursuit of knowledge and development of resources that are directly applicable to today’s work settings.

For those of you who know us, the other characteristic that separates CriticalPoint from other companies is passion. We are dedicated to developing compounding expertise while incorporating new science into revision of existing standards of practice and policy and procedure. Regardless of the medium used, we are compelled to share what we believe are the best in compounding practices with a variety of effective and innovative instructional design techniques. Outside of academia, work based training must result in the transfer of knowledge that measurably changes work practices resulting in higher quality outcomes that are accomplished in an efficient manner.

Bottom line: We love what we do!


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