Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Precision Medicine Includes Precision Dosage - American Health Packaging

The hospital pharmacist receives a script from the cardiologist and sends the medicine to the med-surg unit for a cardiology patient. The nurse administers the dosage to the patient. And the patient receives the drug to recover from a heart attack. At this moment, each interaction involves ensuring that the dosage is accurate for the safety and health outcome of the patient.


In addition to dosage diligence, these healthcare professionals are handling a multitude of other concerns and responsibilities. When clinicians can focus on their core patient care competencies and pharmacists can process orders efficiently and supply the right medication at the right time and the right strength, the patient and the healthcare system improves.


The serialized, barcoded unit-dose drug products that support hospitals, institutional, and long-term care pharmacies are critical in ensuring the safety of the drug supply. American Health Packaging manufactures these products, especially for high-demand and difficult-to-find-dosage products. This market leader provides nearly 500 products, and their goal is straightforward—their products simplify one of the most complex parts of healthcare delivery—reliably providing needed treatments. 

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Unit Dose: Single-Dose Packaging Resources, Supplies