Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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This is not an Ordinary Refrigerator Freezer - Black Diamond and White Diamond Series

In 2020, it is not just scientific researchers, but people around the world who are now sensitive to the words vaccine, testing samples, and healthcare equipment. These life-saving terms are discussed every day on news reports and at dinner tables. 


At this unprecedented time, leaders in healthcare and biomed understand the role equipment plays to protect needed medicine and test samples. Sometimes it is the most ordinary of things such as temperature-controlled storage that safeguard a vaccine or test sample that will ensure accuracy or provide the next breakthrough medicine.

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Since 1947, Nor-Lake Scientific has known the importance of providing state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment, fabrication lines as well as engineering, research, and test areas. They are vested in the success of their customers in the research, biological, healthcare, and pharmaceutical industry because of their life-changing work. 

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Facilities: Pharmacy Refrigeration & Cold Storage