Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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It's Personal for the Patient Needing Prescriptions - Surescripts

Pharmacists play a significant role in the patient's care team. The prescription world has moved on from its transactional and impersonal interaction at the pharmacy counter to a supportive, shared-goal environment with the patient

It's not enough to fulfill the order; it's about the pharmacist understanding affordability and preventing abandonment for the patient, specifically, the patient's prescription benefit plan, therapeutic alternatives, and out-of-pocket costs. 

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Now when the patient stands at the counter, Surescripts offers pharmacists a more personal touch by its Real-Time Prescription Benefit for Pharmacy solution. 

This system puts pharmacists, prescriber partners, and patients on a collaborative path to the best price and health outcome. And gone are the days where the pharmacist faced multiple hurdles with trying to help patients with their medicine, which usually involved talking with everyone else but their customer.

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