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51 Pharmacist & Pharmacy Technician Jobs | Comprehensive Pharmacy Services

Pharmacy Directors, Clinical Pharmacists, Staff Pharmacists, Experienced Technicians Needed!

We're Comprehensive Pharmacy Services, a pharmacy-management services provider to over 550 hospitals, acute-care, long-term acute care, behavioral health, and specialty hospitals throughout the U.S. and in Puerto Rico.

Feel free to take this 19-minute short course on CPS:

For over 40 years we have provided pharmacy service value through financial, operational, clinical, therapeutic, and regulatory expertise. We are growing at a breathtaking rate. As a CPS employee, you will discover, along with 2000+ other employees, that CPS is a company you'll be proud to grow with. For a list of our current openings, please visit the CPS Job Board.

Visit the Comprehensive Pharmacy Services Job Board

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