Across the country, health systems of all sizes and complexities use Sentry’s Sentinel® and Sentrex® platforms to manage and optimize participation in the 340B program. The key to successful program compliance is consistent integrity of the data as it passes from the 340B technology partner to the health system, all the way through to the reporting process. This requires near real-time processing of tremendous amounts of data.
What is data integrity?
Data integrity refers to the accuracy and consistency of data over its lifecycle. Each time data is replicated or transferred it should remain unaltered. Data governance of the lifecycle supports integrity by assessing feeds, delivery, validation, ingestion, maintenance, conversions, disruptions and utilization.
What are the consequences of losing data integrity?
If collected data has changed its form or structure and the system processing the data has not been reconfigured, the output can report false results. In relation to the 340B program, this means that if the technology solutions used to process the data have not been properly configured to keep up with 340B regulatory and compliance requirements and changes, the covered entity is at risk for noncompliance.
How often should data integrity be tested?
It is important to regularly test the integrity of the data related to 340B drug purchases. Covered entities should perform monthly checks on processing systems; we also recommend a more thorough evaluation on a quarterly basis. In addition to drug purchases, a regular cadence with finance should occur to understand location eligibility. With proactive oversight, you can make the best use of your data, maintain compliance, manage cost variances and capture all 340B-eligible prescriptions.
How can data integrity be maintained?
Maintaining data integrity is a top priority for covered entities. The first step in doing so is to test the software solutions that process your 340B data. By running tests with random samplings of your data, we can identify opportunities to help you capture all eligible purchases through system configurations. We also recommend examining support mapping and ratio maintenance as well as reviewing and analyzing claims. Review of contract pharmacy contract exclusions may also identify areas of improvement. Last, it is important to assess all data partners that support your 340B program. Data partners include, but are not limited to prescription claims clearinghouse, pharmacy management software, automated dispensing cabinets, health-information systems, wholesalers and manufacturers.
How can a technology partner help me maintain data integrity?
The 340B program is dynamic and complex. It requires sophisticated software to identify and process appropriate claims and track purchases, as well as an expert support team that understands the program and the technology.
At Sentry, we know that many covered entities lack dedicated 340B resources and experts who have the time to focus on data integrity. To overcome these challenges, Senturion Services’ Data Integrity Assessment reviews covered entities’ data and configurations within Sentry’s Sentinel and Sentrex 340B management and compliance platforms. We recommend adjustments and improvements to maintain ongoing compliance with 340B program requirements and identify opportunities to optimize program participation and savings.
Contact us to learn more today.
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Distribution: 340B Solutions, 340B Management Systems