Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Easy, Straightforward, and Adaptable with Source Communications

Modular means flexibility, and with this ability, a pharmacy can present an environment that is aesthetically pleasing for customers and easy-to-operate for staff. Source Communications designs their Module Pole Systems for adaptability, so if needs or equipment changes, the system can change with it—simply add or subtract from the pole as necessary.

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Whether it's the point of sale, employee workstations or customer-facing products, the Modular Pole Systems™ provides effective use of vertical space, especially in limited space areas. The patented dual tilting tension makes a touchscreen stay in place with consistent use. And when your equipment is organized and mounted, employees spend less time away from their customers and more time taking care of them.

The differentiating factor is that this system offers more surfaces to hold more equipment than a round pole. And importantly, any reconfiguration is secure and accessible.

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