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American Health Packaging | Liquid Unit Dose Expands With A Growing Product Portfolio [Video]


Company Background 

Located in Columbus, Ohio, American Health Packaging is the leader in providing serialized, barcoded unit dose medications to the health care marketplace. As a unit dose manufacturer, our manufacturing facility is registered with the FDA and fully adheres to cGMP guidelines. American Health Packaging offers products from all major therapeutic classes and is licensed by the Drug Enforcement Administration to package Schedule II to IV controlled substances. Known widely for its years of success and leadership in unit dose oral solids, AHP expanded its offering to include oral liquids in 2017. 

Product Overview 

With an industry-leading offering of 500 unit dose SKUs in the marketplace, AHP is committed to facilitating bedside scanning and patient safety through products that ensure efficiency along the chain of care. In 2017, AHP delivered a line of unit dose liquid cups with the same safety benefits and accurate barcodes they are accustomed to from AHP’s oral solids products. After many conversations with customers, Liquid Unit Dose cups were introduced and have been well-received. AHP has since expanded Liquid Unit Dose to provide high-utilization treatments for customers – with plans to expand further in 2019 and beyond. 

Benefits for Health Systems 

Waste Avoidance 

Customers repeatedly spoke to the need for high standards of packaging materials. When cups buckle or lids tear unexpectedly, costly waste results and clean-up time is required. We know that staff time is precious in the pharmacy. Therefore, we went to great lengths to source high-quality materials and diligently test the lid seal to ensure excellent adherence. 

Space and Storage

Space is another premium in a hospital pharmacy. Therefore, our cups come in three sizes to avoid waste in pharmacy cabinets. In addition, trays come in two sizes to also avoid wasted storage space on the pharmacy shelf.


It is imperative that barcodes be both accurate and easily scannable. AHP has built its business around superior blister quality and barcodes. The same relentless eye to accuracy can be found in our new Liquid Unit Dose cup barcodes. They feature a linear barcode format, as well as a lid with human-readable lot and expiration dates.


As always, cost is a concern for health systems – especially as budgets come under more scrutiny. We know our customers must answer to pharmacy costs daily. AHP strives to always ensure cost-competitiveness with all products. Hitting the Mark for Continued BCMA Support.

Safety and efficiency

Two things that are always in the forefront of any health system professional’s mind. So, while your facility is trying to patch together a consistent and safe supply of unit dose medications, stop and consider AHP’s line of pre-packaged, barcoded unit dose products – the industry’s largest with more on the way. Effective execution of BCMA programs require medications that scan correctly at bedside. With our robust oral solids portfolio – and growing offering of Liquid Unit Dose oral solutions – AHP UD promotes safety and efficiency with consistent supply and broad access to treatments. All while freeing up internal resources. So, make the smart choice with AHP to simplify what is the most complex tasks related to inpatient care, while promoting positive outcomes for patients. 

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