Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Everywhere and Everything in a Cleanroom - Modular Cleanrooms

A cleanroom resides in Alaska, and 10,614.66 miles south — on the opposite side of the world — exists another cleanroom at the South Pole. Across the globe, medical device corporations, defense firms, and more use Modular Cleanrooms to keep their products free from contaminants. The array of markets and industries is indicative of the wide-ranging needs and materials that Modular Cleanrooms can construct for their clients. From sheetrock to portable softwall, the effort put into building and certifying your cleanroom will be exemplary.  

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At the heart of every cleanroom is the trusted air filtration products. Modular Cleanrooms have HEPA filters (standard and RSR) for the Mac 10 series of fan filter units (FFUs). Customers can also purchase replacement HEPA filters directly from the manufacturers for popular brands of FFUs.

Modular Cleanrooms set themselves apart by their offerings to meet clients' budgets and needs, such as with the Econo-Tent Softwall cleanroom, a practical approach to portable cleanrooms. The Modular Hardwall cleanroom offers flexibility as clients can expand, relocate, or upgrade. And the original Micro-Clean is still the standard for the IV and home infusion markets.

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