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What will a degree in population health pharmacy allow a pharmacist to do?

What will a degree in population health pharmacy allow a pharmacist to do?

A degree in Population Health Pharmacy will elevate and expand pharmacist’s skill sets related to population-based care. This online Master of Science or Graduate Certificate program is designed for working pharmacists to develop expertise in designing, implementing, and assessing initiatives to optimize health outcomes and resource utilization across all pharmacy practice settings. Coursework will also focus on integrating pharmacy informatics, biostatistical and pharmacoepidemiologic principles to analyze real-life medication use scenarios. Pharmacists will also be able to influence population health care within health systems or community pharmacy settings and promote cost savings within health systems and managed care markets. Ultimately, expertise in this degree will allow pharmacists to continue to push boundaries and further expand the role of the pharmacy profession.


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Professional Development: Degree Programs, Masters, Post-Secondary