Getting through pharmacy school can seem like a long road, but here are 5 tips to make school life a little easier.
1. Stay Organized: I know for some people this isn’t always the easiest task, but staying organized and on top of all of your due dates is crucial in this fast pace curriculum. It will help you from scrambling at the last minute which will keep your mind at ease while tackling each exam, quiz, project, homework assignment, etc.
2. Make Friends: You don’t have to know every single student in your class, but pharmacy tends to be tightly knit. So even making one or two friends to support each other or to just live through pharmacy school experiences together is one of the best parts of school.
3. Get Involved: I had never been involved in extracurricular activities before I attended pharmacy school. However, I was advised by previous pharmacy students that getting involved is very beneficial and they were 100% right. Whether you decide to be on a club executive board or just attend meetings it can be an eye opening experience and help you stand out as a student. I learned of multiple different career paths a pharmacist could have by attending different club meetings. Some clubs even have fun trips like skiing or white water rafting which is a great way for you and your friends to take a study break.
4. Study Groups: Some people love to study in groups and others do not. I am not usually a fan of studying in a group, but for pharmacy school I found it to be really helpful. I would always study the material on my own, and then when I felt prepared me and my friends would group study to go over the material one more time. We also took this time to ask each other questions on any material we found to be confusing and usually someone in the group is able to clarify. I definitely saw an improvement in my grades from the beginning when I would study alone versus when I started group studying with my friends.
5. Take Mental Breaks: Studying will take up the majority of your time throughout this program. However, I cannot stress enough how critical it is to take mental breaks when you have the opportunity to do so. Adequate sleep and nutrition is important, but it is just as important to set aside time to relax and make time for yourself and your mental health.
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Professional Development: Degree Programs, Masters, Post-Secondary