Pharmacy school can be a lot to handle at times. However, with proper time management having a job while going to pharmacy school can be feasible. Currently, I am in an accelerated PharmD program and I found working 1 to 3 times per week to be comfortable. Although, I do know friends who have worked more, and if you're not in an accelerated PharmD program it may allow you more time to work more hours. Usually working 40 hours is not realistic through pharmacy school so first I would definitely recommend applying for scholarships. Next, I would consider thinking about student loans. I know they aren’t ideal, but pharmacy school is an investment that will pay off in the end.
Obtaining a pharmacy job in particular while in school can be useful because it allows you to stay up to date on medications and practice applying the knowledge that you are currently learning. Having a manager/boss that is willing to work around your school schedule is always helpful as well. I would lastly recommend to take time off from work during the weekend before and week of your final exams to be able to fully dedicate your time to studying to achieve the best possible grades in your classes and be able to move on to the next semester.
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Professional Development: Degree Programs, Masters, Post-Secondary