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The Compliance Team Introduces Pharmacy Testing Certification for COVID-19 and Other CLIA-Waived Tests [VIDEO]

Pharmacy Testing Certification assures your customers, patients, payers, and employees that your pharmacy testing quality has been validated by a nationally recognized third party.

Company Background & History

The Compliance Team, Inc. (TCT) is the USA’s first woman-owned and nurse-led nationally recognized healthcare accreditation organization. Accreditation process simplification (reform) has been our passion since our incorporation in 1994. Indeed, we believe that it should not be difficult or costly for providers to consistently demonstrate patient care delivery excellence.

Our Exemplary Provider® Award accreditation programs are Medicare-approved and authorized by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to accredit Part A – Patient-Centered Medical Home and Rural Health Clinic as well as all Part B – Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, Supplies (DMEPOS) providers. We also offer a complete suite of pharmacy services accreditation programs covering: community and long-term care pharmacy, DMEPOS, infusion, sterile and non-sterile compounding (USP chapters 795, 797, and 800), in-store clinic, mail order, telepharmacy, and Patient-Centered Pharmacy Home™, our program for top-of-license pharmacist services.

-New in 2020

We recently introduced our newest offering, Pharmacy Testing Certification, the first in a series of certification programs. Certification focuses in on all processes that relate to testing operations. Our certification series are based on many of the standards inherent in our accreditation standards and on what matters most to the patient – Safety – Honesty – Caring®. Once your pharmacy location has completed the program, you will receive a Pharmacy Testing Certification Award. This certification is valid for two years.

Product Overview

In response to the “new normal” in pharmacies across the country, The Compliance Team is offering a one-source solution Pharmacy Testing Certification program to help keep pharmacies on the leading edge of patient protection. This program is certification, not accreditation, so it looks only at the processes involved in testing.

This is a stand-alone program, so a pharmacy need not be accredited by The Compliance Team for any other service. However, pharmacies that are accredited by us, will be ahead of the game in that the Pharmacy Testing Certification standards retain some parts of our more stringent accreditation standards.

The Pharmacy Testing Certification program provides pharmacies with the education and tools necessary to achieve Pharmacy Testing Certification for COVID-19 and other CLIA-waived tests. It offers pharmacies new revenue opportunities via Point of Care testing and Collect and Transfer testing.

Included in the certification standards are: Point of Care testing, collection/sending of tests, equipment management, supply (PPE) management, patient assessment, and facility assessment.

To qualify for Point of Care testing, your pharmacy must obtain a CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) Waiver and have completed a CMS Part B application. When your pharmacy has successfully completed the program, you will receive a letter from us and a Pharmacy Testing Certification Award, valid for two years.

The Compliance Team has been running regular webinars during the Covid-19 pandemic. Several webinars have focused on the new certification program. You can listen to the webinar recordings by going to the Covid page on our website.

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Professional Services: Accreditation, Certification, Compliance Patient Care: Personalized Wellness, Point-of-Care Services