Pharmacy Market BUZZ

Market News, Products, Services, and Trends

The Demand for Super Clean

The popularity of cleaning supplies is off the charts due to COVID-19. Within this essential industry are cleaning supplies and products that are the super cleaners tailored for medical facilities, pharmaceutical companies, airlines, schools, and more where cleaning products can kill a virus that has affected us like none other. 

Teknipure is one of the leading companies where their consumable contamination solutions are indispensable. Their sanitizing pre-wet wipes have become predominant and most popular in all aspects of industrial, medical, and consumer applications. Because of demand for Tekniclean and other products, the team has re-engineered processes to do everything they can to manufacture and deliver supplies to customers as quickly as possible.


Protocols are also heightened for many of their clients. Many of whom must abide by strict practices such as ISO 14644 and others. Teknipure’s procedures (IEST 4.3) support their efforts for consistent documentation, traceability, and control.

Teknipure understands there is more to do, and will not slow down. Rather they continue to raise every bar while fighting COVID-19 because absolute optimal cleanliness is crucial to stop the spread.

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