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UC Davis Health Uses AI to Optimize its Compliance Program

UC Davis Health Uses AI to Optimize its Compliance Program

Each year, the UC Davis Health system serves tens of thousands of patients, both in its hospitals and outpatient clinics. Safeguarding patient records and managing the supply of controlled substances are among the many compliance and regulatory tasks with which the Compliance Office is charged. With the volume of compliance issues the office was identifying and investigating, the team wanted to be able to customize its investigation workflows based on the type of incident and adjust its processes accordingly. 

The compliance team sought to implement an innovative compliance program that would proactively identify risk across the entire organization by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to identify a wider variety of compliance concerns while reducing costs and expanding its capabilities despite limited resources.

UC Davis Health collaborated with Protenus to leverage industry best practices and the latest technology in compliance analytics to create a single view of compliance incidents and investigations. This enabled the team to more proactively monitor for privacy violations and detect likely incidents of clinical drug diversion. Protenus compliance analytics solutions included:

-Healthcare Analytics platform

-Protenus Privacy on Autopilot™

-Drug Diversion Surveillance

Download the full Customer Spotlight to learn more about how UC Davis Health worked with Protenus to leverage AI and industry best practices to achieve their organizational goals. 

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Software: Drug Diversion Monitoring, Diversion Prevention