Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Mission-Critical Cleaning for Contamination Control

Merriam-Webster defines clean (verb) as to rid of dirt, impurities, or extraneous matter. As an adjective, clean means free from dirt or pollution. To infection-control and environmental-services professionals, the word clean means keeping people protected every minute of every day. When they use wipes to sanitize the patient’s room or mop to disinfect the cleanroom floors, they are front-line heroes in the battle against COVID-19 and other contaminants. 

Contec Healthcare is their support team in this essential role. They supply healthcare workers with disinfectant and sanitizing products to make their job easier and effective. It’s their solutions that sterilize compounding pharmacies, hospitals, and other medical environments. For three decades, Contec Healthcare has been crafting solutions to vexing healthcare cleaning and disinfection challenges worldwide, achieving better outcomes for everyone. 

Contec Healthcare describes their work as mission-critical cleaning for contamination control. They accomplish this goal with effective tools, designed with end-users in mind.


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