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Hope to "see" you at AABB 2020 Virtual Meeting Oct. 3-5

Hope to "see" you at AABB 2020 Virtual Meeting Oct. 3-5


I hope this message finds you well. I am excited about the upcoming virtual AABB 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting. Although I would rather be meeting with everyone in person, I am very appreciative of organizations like AABB who are finding creative ways to keep us all connected. 

​​​​​​I am pleased to share that Temptime's Safe-T-Vue® temperature indicators were the first (and currently only) blood temperature indicators to earn the AABB’s new ‘Standards-Compliant’ seal of approval. Read more...  We feel that this achievement is important for our customers – especially those who already hold accreditation from AABB.

I will be available for scheduled meetings and online chat throughout the 3-day event, and looking forward to "seeing" you there.

Be Well, 


Omar Prieto

Global Distribution Network Manager

+1 407-970-4890

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