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CriticalPoint is Now Offering Virtual Training!

CriticalPoint is Now Offering Virtual Training! 

It's the same engaging, detailed, practical training on USP compounding chapter requirements and CriticalPoint best practice recommendations that we have provided face-to-face for over 10 years, now offered virtually. Listen and interact with the same experienced, dynamic faculty from the comfort of your office or home.

"This was the most comprehensive training I have ever received in sterile compounding."

- Kayla, NY 

-Live Virtual Training: Training includes live lectures and discussions similar to our current onsite live training but held virtually

-On-Demand Virtual Training: On-demand lectures taken at a time that is convenient for you

Click here to learn more about the courses and when they are offered.

Use discount code RX2020VT for 15% off your registration.


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Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology