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Jones Healthcare Group Selected as Winner of International AIPIA Brand Challenge

Jones Healthcare Group Selected as Winner of International AIPIA Brand Challenge


At this month’s Active & Intelligent Packaging Association Virtual Congress, Kraft Heinz hosted a Brand Challenge, inviting companies from around the world to share innovations in digital smart packaging.

Jones Healthcare Group’s newly launched CpaX™ NFC Connected Packaging offers brands unique opportunities to engage consumers with compelling content, which can be changed in real time to encourage behaviour, share dynamic information and more – a key focus of our pitch as part of the challenge.

We were proud to be selected as one of the winners, among strong international competition! We demonstrated:

• How Jones integrates NFC inlays into packaging at speed and scale

• Endless opportunities to create fun, engaging consumer experiences through NFC connected packaging

• Ways to drive recurring, at-home value for consumers while interacting with brands through gamification

To learn how CpaX NFC Connected Packaging can take your brand engagement to the next level, reach out to us any time at

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