Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Meet PAC-RX™: Cost Effective Solution for Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal


Medicine Disposal Device

Cost-effective solution for pharmaceutical waste disposal. More than 20X the active ingredient of the leading brand. Safe, secure, and fast-acting. Good for the environment. Mitigate your risk of DEA diversion. Meets all regulatory agency's requirements when used as directed.

PAC-RX™ KEY Components

• PAC-RX™ works by a process of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) deactivation

• Mitigate controlled substance diversion

• Compliant with all regulatory agencies when used as directed

• Eco-Friendly by diverting harmful drugs from our water supply

• Safe and cost-effective

• Easy to use

• Add water

• Add pharmaceuticals

• Securely store until disposal (incineration)


• Proprietary formula utilizing Power Activated Carbon (PAC)

• Over 20 times the active ingredient as compared to the leading brand

• Cost effective

• Free sample

• Vented caps to allow for waste contents expansion

• Assorted sizes available to meet facility needs

• Security brackets available to help prevent diversion

• Mail back option for incineration

• Regulatory guidance support for facility compliance


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