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What Can Pharma Logistics Do For Your Hospital? [VIDEO]

The Reverse Distribution Experts.

What Can Pharma Logistics Do For Your Hospital?

Pharma Logistics not only gets you credits for expired pharmaceuticals and keeps you compliant with all state and federal regulations, we provide solutions that help your hospital pharmacy’s overall health. All of our services come with access to our online portal, giving you the data you need to keep your entire team informed— from the technician responsible for inventory to the procurement and finance teams. Plus, with a dedicated Customer Advocate, we’re always available to help you find a solution that best fits your needs. 

-Rapid Credit: Receive credit within 14 days.

BENEFIT: Keep your hospital finance team happy. Upfront payments help eliminate time spent on reconciliation, chasing down credits from vendors and combing through reporting trying to figure out when and if credits will be received.

-Onsite Service: Trained and licensed representatives come onsite to check paperwork, ensure proper packaging, and prepare shipments for carrier pickup.

BENEFIT: Let us handle the entire process for you so you can focus on running your pharmacy.

-Box & Ship Service: Manually pack and ship your own returns with prepaid labels and boxes.

BENEFIT: Limit vendor interruptions and ship returns back on your own schedule.

-Drug Take Back: A community medication disposal program that complies with the requirements of the DEA Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act.

BENEFIT: Keep your community safe by helping to prevent misuse and improper disposal, which can lead to health and environmental issues.

Pharma Logistics brings efficiency and 24/7 visibility to the returns process so you can focus on patient care and the community. Call 888-729-7427 or visit

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Distribution: Returns, Reverse Distribution