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Supporting Pharmacy Effciency With an Evolving Product Offering - American Health Packaging

AHP Supports Pharmacy Efficiency With an Evolving Barcoded Unit-Dose Product Offering

With a responsive line of barcoded unit-dose oral solutions – a growing liquid unit dose offering and now individually wrapped inhalants – AHP continues to deliver on their commitment to supporting pharmacy efficiency.

Company Background

Located in Columbus, Ohio, American Health Packaging is an industry leader in manufacturing serialized, barcoded unit-dose medications provided for the healthcare marketplace. As a unit-dose manufacturer, AHP’s commercially-available unit-dose products are available to hospital, institutional, and long-term care pharmacies nationwide through partner GPOs and wholesalers.

AHP’s reputation for quality is supported by a 30+ year history of broad manufacturing expertise – operating a facility that is registered with the FDA, fully adherent to cGMP guidelines, and licensed by the DEA to package Schedule II-V controlled substances. Synonymous with unit dose, following years of success and leadership in the production of oral solids, AHP expanded their offering in 2017 to include liquid unit dose cups.

Product Overview

AHP is committed to supporting pharmacy efficiency through a diverse range of both high-utilization and niche treatments. Producing over 500 unit-dose oral solid SKUs for the healthcare marketplace, AHP’s broad selection of products are produced with quality components and printed with legible barcodes that facilitate effective execution of BPOC initiatives. Their wide selection of products reduces the gap between what pharmacies are forced to repackage themselves, and what is commercially available on the market – supporting health systems nationwide in their efforts to create efficiencies throughout the chain of care.

AHP’s tailored offering of unit-dose oral liquids provide similar efficiency, safety, and cost-savings benefits as their oral-solids products. Product features include right-sized packaging, thoughtful tray design, differentiated labeling, and accurate barcodes. AHP’s new unit-dose inhalants provide efficiency and feature individually-wrapped vials and pouches barcoded to the dose level. AHP oral solids, liquids, and inhalants include major therapeutic classes and product groups to meet unique pharmacy needs. They are continuously evolving to meet the changing demands of caregivers and staff to support more effective medication procurement strategies.

As facilities nationwide compete to demonstrate they provide the higher-quality of care, AHP unit dose supports caregivers as they strive to promote positive outcomes for patients. Pharmacies simultaneously strive to be cost-effective as they provide necessary resources for caregivers. AHP UD supports these objectives while providing cost-savings opportunities. Sourcing pre-packaged UD allows pharmacies to obtain adequate supply while mitigating capital expenses, such as those related to repackaging equipment, bulk supply, and labor.

Benefits for Health Systems

-Patient Safety

Ensuring the right medication is given to the right patient at the right time – and in the right strength – is imperative. Pharmacies can facilitate effective execution of these “Five Rights” by providing caregivers with as many products in a pre-packaged unit dose format as possible. Removing repackaging tasks from the pharmacy eliminates a potential point of failure during the unit-dosing process as medications arrive to pharmacies ready to dispense.

-Pharmacy Efficiency

Pharmacies strive to process orders and supply the proper medications to caregivers for their patients as quickly as possible. Adding potentially complex repackaging steps to the procurement process not only harms the ability of pharmacy to supply caregivers effectively, but also removes clinicians from their core patient care competencies. In addition, prepackaged UD often allows for products to be sourced more quickly than third-party repackaging can support.

-Cost Savings Opportunity

Health systems that choose to package on-site must consider all direct costs, such as purchasing capital equipment for packaging areas and paying highly-trained clinical professionals to perform, manage, and support non-core work. American Health Packaging unit-dose products allow for pharmacies to avoid these costs while also shifting the potential costs associated with packaging errors. The pre-packaged format also prevents additional fees than may result from utilizing third-party repackaging services.

Hitting the Mark for BCMA, USP <800> Support

Effective execution of BCMA initiatives require medications that scan correctly at the bedside. With a robust oral-solids portfolio – and a growing offering of unit-dose liquids – AHP UD provides reliable access to unit-dose treatments. AHP products promote safety towards BPOC and efficiency in pharmacy while freeing up internal resources.

AHP UD supports pharmacies as they strive for compliance with USP General Chapter <800> guidelines. As pharmacies craft effective procurement strategies to meet the needs of their facilities, protecting patients and caregivers alike from potential harm while handling hazardous drugs is a priority. AHP’s UD portfolio supports compliance to USP <800> by featuring many relevant treatments.

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