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Meet Blient - Automation for Single and Multidose Blister Packaging

Spotlights by RXinsider

With so many different types of single-dose and multi-dose packs on the market it can be hard finding the right automated blister pack device. The world’s largest pharmaceutical automation company has come up with a solution for this common issue. Yuyama has developed Blient, a semi-automatic blister pack machine that is compatible with various blister packs from various manufacturers. With Blient, users can adapt to dispense single- and multi-dose blister packs meeting any and all LTC facility needs.


The Blient can hold up to 88 canisters but is able to register up to 520 canisters into its software. A user can easily change the canisters, setting them into the machine when a prescription requires certain medications that are currently not in the device. For more efficiency, Blient offers a manual fill unit and dual operation functionality. If there are no canisters for a certain drug, a user can manually set medications into the unit following the software’s guidance. Yuyama has simplified the composition for easy access and each component is detachable to prevent cross-contamination. The Blient offers multiple accessory options as well.

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