Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Find all your cleaning consumables in one place: dry and pre-wetted wipers, 70% IPA, mops, disinfectants, sterile and non-sterile.

Find all your cleaning consumables in one place: dry and pre-wetted wipers, 70% IPA, mops, disinfectants, sterile and non-sterile.


Compounding Pharmacies

Texwipe offers a wide selection of cleaning supplies for USP <797>, USP <795> and USP <800> customers.

USP <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding, Sterile Preparations - describes the guidelines, procedures and compliance requirements for compounding sterile preparations and sets the standards that apply to all settings in which sterile preparations are compounded.

USP <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding, Nonsterile Preparations - addresses the extemporaneous compounding of non-sterile pharmaceuticals and defines what constitutes good compounding practices.

USP<800> Hazardous Drugs, Handling in Healthcare Settings - describes the practice and quality standards for handling hazardous drugs in healthcare settings and help promote patient safety, worker safety, and environmental protection.

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USP <795> Non-Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology