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R&S Northeast, LLC — Committed to Providing the Best Supply Chain Option

R&S Northeast, LLC


R&S Northeast, LLC, formerly Dixon-Shane Drug Company, has operated as a national pharmaceutical wholesaler since 1973.

R&S is committed to providing the best supply chain option to meet both 340B and non-340B pharmaceutical and medical supply needs. Benefits and services include flexible payment terms, web-based ordering system, and no minimum financial or quantity order requirements.

We offer 340B qualified entities products to provide consistency in care and pricing at no risk. Not only are we the 4th largest US supplier of women’s healthcare products, R&S is also a preferred supplier of infectious disease, HIV, STD, and TB products. At R&S, we understand the challenges facing facilities in servicing their patient population and we want to ensure that you maximize the benefits and advantages the 340B program has to offer. 340B products can be purchased under APEXUS, PHS, and AFAXYS contracts while non-340B products can be purchased at source or GPO pricing. We believe having a strong alternative pharmaceutical and medical products supply chain is vital to consistent patient care.


• Offers thousands of SKU's from leading pharmaceutical and medical supply manufacturers.

• Participates in the Vendor Managed Inventory and Emergency Stockpile programs sponsored by the United States Government.

• Services PHS 340B eligible customers in a variety of settings.

• Provides pharmaceutical and medical supplies to City, State, and Local Governments.

• Services independent retail, hospital, clinic, and other niche pharmacies.

• Purchases over 97% of its products direct from the manufacturer.

• Is licensed to ship to all 50 States and Puerto Rico.


• GPOs

• Urgent Cares

• Ambulatory Surgery Centers

• 340B Markets

• Community Health Centers

• Hospitals/Clinics

• Family Planning

• Women’s Health

• HIV Programs



• Pharmaceuticals

• Medical Supplies

• OTCs

• Vaccines

• Infection Controls

• PPEs

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