Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Guideline Update Series: Hormone Replacement Therapy, Anticholinergics in Elderly, Sepsis, Opioids

Need help staying current on recent changes in clinical practice guidelines? This session is for you! These 15-minute practical presentations provide a practical review of recent updates in clinical practice guidelines for hormone replacement therapy, anticholinergic burden in the elderly, sepsis, and opioid use in non-cancer chronic pain. Listen to a quick summary of what’s changed and how to apply these changes to patients in your practice.

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READINESS develops and hosts custom opioid eLearning centers for health systems, pharmacies, and organizations to support opioid stewardship and education initiatives. Offer your community an intuitive and accessible eLearning center to support opioid education and awareness.Opioid Computer Image.png

1. TECHNOLOGY: Provide a customized learning platform (eLearning Center), branded to your organization, and filled with relevant opioid educational activities.

2. CUSTOM OPIOID ACTIVITIES: Host your opioid learning material (videos, pdf’s, slide decks, etc) as engaging activities within your opioid eLearning center.

3. OPIOID ACTIVITY LIBRARY: Select from more than 60 pre-existing opioid activities to expand your opioid eLearning center content for maximum learner engagement.

4. DATA & REPORTING: Access a comprehensive reporting suite to assess learner engagement and monitor activity starts and completions.

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Search Terms: Leaders in Opioid Stewardship Resources, Opioid Education Platforms, Community Outreach Technology, Opioid Task Force Support, Rural & Urban Opioid Learning Tools, Opioid Education Grant Support, and Tools to Combat the Opioid Epidemic.

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