Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Visit the Parata "Unit Dose & Multi-Dose Packaging" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show



The new ATP® 2 is industry’s most comprehensive and accurate oral solid packager. TCG’s innovative and groundbreaking software addresses market needs that have never before been addressed. ATP 2 is now expandable from 64 to 480 canisters, and with AutoSense™ SmartChip technology, your canister bandwidth is unlimited. With ATP 2’s new Dual Tray system, you can continuously run without interruptions. The integrated dual tray precipitates constant pre-staging of tray medications, so there is no pausing mid-batch for a tray refill. The new ATP 2 also provides 4 pouch sizes for maximum flexibility. Graphic printing allows you to include more meds per pouch using the new Label manager. Reproduce labels with a touch of a button with any Windows fonts, adding logos, graphics, extended barcode options including QR code and Aztec symbologies.

Long Term Care and Assisted Living:

  • Facilitates a cost-effective alternative to blister packages with automated unit dose strips
  • Hands-free and high-speed production of unit dose strips for box replenishment
  • The unique ability to automate up to 710 medications across multiple devices handles high volume unit dose packaging needs

Hospital, Corrections, Clinics:

  • Suitable to the specific needs of any size pharmacy. With the ability to scale from 64 to 480 medications, formulary can be added as needed

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