Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Easily separate hazardous drugs from other compounded medications using our complete line of HD-only solutions.

Easily separate hazardous drugs from other compounded medications using our complete line of HD-only solutions.


HD Drugs: Small Details Make a Big Difference

In your profession, hazardous drug exposure is inevitable and contamination risk is high. How you handle those drugs and, in turn, how your patients respond, requires careful consideration.

Easily separate hazardous drugs from other compounded medications using our complete line of HD-only solutions. Items are clearly marked with the hazardous drug symbol to help improve error prevention initiatives and prevent mix-ups that can lead to cross-contamination.

Our inventory includes options for use at home, at the patient’s bedside or at the pharmacy counter and our high-quality print material won’t scratch, peel or fade.  

Click the links to see our full product listings. HD-only items are in stock and ready for same-day shipment!

Could your pharmacy supplies use a message of a different kind? Our Printing & Graphics team can put your message or logo on practically anything. Visit the link to get started.

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