Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Visit the QleanAir Scandinavia "Pharmacy Hoods, Cleanrooms, Barrier Isolators, Gloveboxes" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

QleanAir Scandinavia — for Health and Environment

We create environments that promote health for you, your people, and your business.

USP 797 Compliant Cleanrooms

QleanSpace is a turn-key cleanroom with guaranteed functionality. Our highly adaptable solutions have short installation time, and provide a safe and efficient environment for your pharmacy operation. All components are factory-assembled and tested before shipping. QleanSpace will help you transform your existing pharmacy environment into a facility with USP<797> and/or cGMP compliance.

QleanSpace constantly monitors the level of airborne particles, the pressure levels, the temperature and humidity, and displays them on screen to make all data easily readable by the staff inside and outside the area. Warning signals are issued at pre set levels when approaching the cleanroom rating limits.

USP 800 Compliant Cleanrooms

QleanSpace’s compliant cleanrooms extend the protection to health care personnel from exposure to hazardous drugs. Having a Qleanspace cleanroom means you have a future proof solution from both, regulatory mandates as well the ability to change, move or expand as you grow. Our turn-key cleanrooms include guaranteed functionality.

Other benefits to having Qleanspace cleanrooms are, short installation time to not interfere with a demanding schedule, being pharmacy retrofit, and most importantly, providing a safe and efficient environment for your pharmacy operation. QleanSpace can be configured to meet cleanliness requirements to Class 100/ISO 5 using HEPA or ULPA fan/filter modules for control of submicron particles.

Hazardous Drugs Storage Rooms

Having safe and easily obtainable access to your hazardous drugs can save you valuable time, and give you the advantage of not having to outsource. QleanStore is our hazardous drug storage area, separate from other inventory to prevent contamination and personnel exposure. QleanStore is engineered to be a negative pressure room with at least 12 air changes per hour (ACH), and meets USP <800> standards. HDs are stored at, or below eye level on secure shelves with raised front lips to avoid accidental falling. All these features we put into our QleanStore helps protect your people, products, and processes.

Rental Option with Performance Guarantee

Our RPG (Rental with Performance Guarantee) rental option includes full service and maintenance, with a full guarantee of the facility and its function with no upfront or start-up costs.





Become a QleanAir partner, and future-proof your operations with adaptable, innovative solutions!

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Cleanrooms, Gloveboxes, Hoods, Isolators