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Visit the Safecor Health "Outsourcing Unit Dose Packaging | Unit-Dose Repackaging Services" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Safecor Health

For more than 40 years, Safecor Health has helped institutional pharmacists reduce the challenging and time-consuming tasks of medication packaging. As an FDA-registered, DEA-licensed facility, Safecor Health repackages medications to the highest standards of quality in the industry following USP and ISMP guidelines, Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), and manufacturer packaging requirements.

Our Capabilities

Unit-Dose Oral Solids
Available in a range of packaging options including unit-dose strips and robot-compatible packaging and provides one-year expiration dating as supported by a stability program.

Liquid Unit-Dose Cups
Delivers and accurate dose to the patient, is available in multiple cup sizes, and provides one-year expiration dating as supported by a stability testing program.

Oral Syringes
Provides six-month expiration dating — supported by a stability testing program — a tamper-evident overwrap bag and is available in several oral syringe sizes ranging from 0.5 mL to 20 mL. Additional options include tamper-evident red caps and ENFit compatible syringes.

Hazardous Drugs on the NIOSH list
Compatible with USP General Chapter <800> and offers a bright yellow packaging option for both robot and non-robot packaging.

Controlled Substances
Addresses the packaging risks, regulatory compliance and lack of available unit-dose products for controlled substances — especially C-II drugs.

Additional Capabilities:

  • Robot-compatible packaging, robot bar codes and robot overwraps
  • Bar coding and labeling following FDA, ISMP and ASHP guidelines
  • RFID tagging and flag labeling
  • 340B hospitals supported

Why Safecor Health?

Safecor Health makes outsourcing your unit-dose repackaging easy by integrating the process right into your supply chain:

1. Your pharmacy buyer orders the bulk medications through your wholesaler.
2. Your wholesaler delivers your bulk drugs to Safecor Health, where we repackage the drugs according to your specifications.
3. The repackaged medications are shipped directly to your hospital pharmacy, ready to inventory and dispense.

Safecor Health performs numerous quality checks throughout the entire repackaging process and helps your pharmacy:

  • Reduce cross-contamination and medication packaging errors
  • Improve medication and patient safety
  • Reallocate pharmacy resources
  • Increase drug cost savings
  • Avoid large capital purchases for packaging equipment

Safecor Health provides unit-dose repackaging services to more than 1,000 hospitals across the country and repackages for more than 75% of the U.S. News & World Report “Honor Roll” hospitals.

Start developing your comprehensive unit-dose strategy today!

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