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Visit the SunRx "340B Resources & 340B Vendors" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show


340B. Simplified®

SUNRx was founded in 2006 with a single mission: to transform our client’s experiences and financial outcomes through relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovative healthcare services to help our clients focus on what matters most to you — improving care and medication access for low-income, rural, and vulnerable patients.

Get the results you deserve for your 340B program.

We don’t just help our clients manage 340B — we simplify it and drive to deliver results. SUNRx’s solutions are specifically designed to optimize savings and operational resources while minimizing audit and compliance risks so that you can get back to what you do best: serving your patients and

What we provide

As a leading third-party administrator, SUNRx provides a comprehensive suite of compliance-centric 340B solutions, services, and technology to hospitals, federally qualified heath centers and other covered entities and contract pharmacies across the U.S. to help them optimize and simplify their 340B programs. Our services are strengthened by our ability to provide the industry-leading cash program supporting our clients’ goals for their uninsured and underinsured patients.

Explore Our Complete 340B Solution
  • Split Billing with functionality for in-house pharmacies
  • Contract Pharmacy expertise and tailored networks
  • Specialty Pharmacy network and program-building to help capture additional savings, optimizing your 340B program
  • Referral Capture self-service referral capture to optimize specialty claims capture
  • Advanced Claims Capture TPA-agnostic full-service solution that enhances referral capture by resolving fallout where possible to deliver additional 340B savings
  • Uninsured 340B Prescription Discount Card “cash” card with advanced sliding scale technology
  • Equinox 340B Pharmacy Gateway a pharmacy-centric solution and service to help consolidate and effectively manage inventory replenishment and reporting across all of a chain’s 340B pharmacies, helping to expand 340B chain footprint

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340B Solutions, 340B Management Systems