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Visit the Yuyama "Pharmacy Automation & Robotics" Booth in the Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show


Yuyama the first company to bring automated prescription filling machine to the market. Since 1996 being established in the US marketplace we have placed more than 2,200 machines in retail pharmacies and Long-Term Care pharmacies across the country. We offer several vial filling solutions for retail pharmacies as well as medication packaging options for LTC pharmacies.

Calendar Pack Machine
Our Calendar Pack Machine is a semi-automatic blister card filling and packaging automated solution for Long Term Care pharmacies. This technology was designed with the pharmacist and the clinical nurses in mind. It helps the pharmacist maintain control of the filling process and maintain inventory. The accuracy of the Calendar Pack creates a smooth workflow in the pharmacy and the clinical nursing staff by eliminating errors and by ensuring the right medication for the right patient at the right time.

Litrea III
Our Litrea III is a fully Automated Pouch Packaging System that is designed to provide LTC pharmacies a 100% compliance packaging solution. It comes with universal canisters for ease of use with multiple drug changes. It also features half cut size canisters for half doses. Programmable logic that allow you to adjust pouch sizes for your convenience without interrupting its operation.

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Pharmacy Fulfillment Robots