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What is Population Health Pharmacy?

What is Population Health Pharmacy?

Population Health Pharmacy focuses on how the determinants of health impact the costs and clinical outcomes associated with medication use.   Coursework prepares pharmacists to create and implement strategies and management techniques used to improve outcomes and reduce costs. With the rising health care costs and limited resources, pharmacists play an integral role in population health and there is an increasing demand for pharmacists with this expertise.

The Population Health Pharmacy program prepares pharmacists to: 

• Assess current medication usage patterns

• Design and implement initiatives to improve health outcomes

• Promote health and wellness

• Reduce healthcare utilization costs

The program is a collaborative effort between the Jefferson College of Pharmacy and the Jefferson College of Population Health. The pharmacy specific perspective will allow pharmacists to expand their influence over direct patient care, promote cost savings within managed care markets, and continue to push boundaries and further expand the role of the pharmacy profession. By leveraging pharmacy specific knowledge with population health principles, graduates will be poised to meet the needs of the current resource-limited, fragmented US health care system.

Jefferson offers two program options:

• MS in Population Health Pharmacy 

• Requires completion of 33 credits and includes a capstone presentation

• Graduate Certificate 

• Requires completion of 15 credits, all of which can be applied toward the MS degree

For more information, please visit or contact Emily Hajjar, PharmD (

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Professional Development: Degree Programs, Masters, Post-Secondary