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EnterpriseRx® Improves Pharmacy Performance and Patient Outcomes

EnterpriseRx® Improves Pharmacy Performance and Patient Outcomes

Having the right pharmacy technology has never been more important than right now. McKesson’s EnterpriseRx gives you exactly what you need with clinically-integrated workflow, and adherence tools that help you focus on improving patient outcomes and pharmacy efficiency.

EnterpriseRx® delivers the tools you need to build the pharmacy of the future 

 -Customized workflow-based clinical program integration, including advanced vaccine delivery

 -Mobile, bedside and curbside Rx delivery

 -Inventory management that reduces waste and allows sharing across multiple locations

 -Security protocols and back-up protection that safeguards patient data

-Automated Rx fulfillment without the need for additional staff or capital 

McKesson Pharmacy Systems • • 1.866.682.8942

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Software: Pharmacy Management Systems, Workflow