Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Look no further for a pharmacy management software!

Look no further for a pharmacy management software! 

PrimeRx Pharmacy Management System

PrimeRxTM has been servicing pharmacies for 30 years. Throughout the United States, thousands of pharmacies trust PrimeRxTM to manage their retail, long-term care, compounding, specialty, mail order, 340B, hospital outpatient, physician's office, telepharmacy, and hub service needs. Here are a few featured benefits that PrimeRxTM offers: 

-Custom Workflow and Report Writer

-Clinical Assessment Module with Action List

-Customizable Intake Queue

-RPh Dashboard Showing Patient Payment and Profit

-Compound Drugs Ingredient Sheet

-2D Barcode Scanning for Rx Entry, Drug Pick Verification, and More

-Driver's License Scanning for entering a new Prescription or new Patient

-Patient Communication; 2-Way SMS, Email, and FillMyRefillsTM App

-MyPrimeRxTM Owners App Web Portal via Tablet and Smartphone

-COVID-19 Compliance Guidelines, Enrollment, Billing, and Reporting

-Rx Delivery Remote Signature Request

-PrimRxPAYTM Copayment by Mobile

-Pharmacy CPESN eCare Plan

-Real-Time Prescription Benefit by Surescripts 

-ScriptDROP Courier and Shipping Service Integration 

-Script Management Partner Automated Immunization Reporting Integration 

Schedule a DEMO! 

866-495-3999 | | 

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Software: Pharmacy Management Systems, Workflow