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At every stage of your career, it pays to be an NCPA member.


At every stage of your career,  it pays to be an NCPA member.

Take advantage of the new membership model! 

Now pay for your store instead of an individual membership. 

Member Benefits Include: 

• Ulta Labs

• RangeMe

• Simplify My Meds®

• Monthly Webinars

• Dispose My Meds™

• Continuing Education

• Member Communications

• Digital Pharmacist Solution

• US Medical Funding (USMF)

• NCPA Events and Programming

• Diversified Revenue Opportunities

• Member Discounts on Publications

• Professional Development Opportunities

• NCPA Digest sponsored by Cardinal Health

• Exclusive Regulatory and Legislative Advocacy and Update

For more information, please visit or call 1.800.544.7447

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