Pharmacy Market BUZZ

Market News, Products, Services, and Trends

R&S Focuses on Your Pharmaceutical and Medical Supply Needs so That You Can Focus on Patient Care

R&S Focuses on Your Pharmaceutical and Medical Supply Needs so That You Can Focus on Patient Care 

R&S Serves 


-Urgent Cares

-Ambulatory Surgery Centers

-340B Markets:

-Community Health Centers


-Family Planning

-Women’s Health

-HIV Programs

R&S Has Established 

-Web-Based Ordering 

-Flexible Payment Terms

-No Minimum Annual Financial Commitment

-No Setup Fees 

-Asembia, Premier, Innovatix, 

-Vizient, and Other GPO Pricing

R&S Supplies 


-Medical Supplies



-Infection Controls

-PPEs | KY Office: 866-228-9758 | PA Office: 800-262-7770

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