Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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The Easiest Medication Collection for Pharmacies

The Easiest Medication Collection for Pharmacies 

Simple, cost-effective, and compliant consumer medication collection and disposal for your pharmacy, starting at just $89 per month. 

Customize your plan by choosing your:

-Cabinet Size: We offer collection cabinets in 15- and 40-gallon capacity sizes. 

-Collection Kit Quantity: Choose to receive 12, 18, or 24 collection kits over the term of your agreement. 

-Agreement Length: Opt to pay for your customized collection plan over 12, 24, or 36 months. 

It's simple to get started! 

Go to to create an account and log in. We'll walk you through the process in just a few minutes. 

-Select the options you prefer

-Follow the link to modify your DEA license to become a collector

-Complete your agreement and payment information

-Your cabinet and starter kit will be shipped in a few days 

Phone: 866-268-4956 | Fax: 865-675-2474 | | 

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Distribution: Returns, Reverse Distribution